Getting Credit
Getting Credit was Originally Posted on February 17, 2007 by lavarock
I did a neat thing today. Readers know that I try to take advantage of deals. here was today’s deal.
A year ago our Safeway supermarket remodeled and this wee kthey sent out coupons. One coupon is for $10 off any purchase of $50 or more. naturally I took advantage of that one, but did one (or two or three better). $10 off a $50 purchase is 20% off. You did do the math, didn’t you?
On Thursdays, Safeway puts various items on sale for the week. Ebvery 3 weeks the same frozen food brands go on sale, so if you like Banquet or Marie Collanders or whatever, you can get deals every 3 weeks.
You would think that spending $50 would be easy but every item I bought today except one quart of milk, was on sale! I got pasta, sauce, peas, corn, frozen dinners and so on. My total was $77, but then they dropped the $10 off so I was down to $67.
But the savings didn’t stop there. One item I bought gave me Upromise points (to help fund a college aducation for a relative). Then my Safeway Club Card is what I use when I shop. Without it I would have paid $39 more, but I got the club savings. I personally don’t care that they track that I bought pasta AND sauce at the same time…
I also linked my Safeway Club card and when I buy things I get United Air mileage for purchases, thus I accumulated more credit toward 250 bonus miles on United.
Then, I actually paid for the groceries with my American Express card with also gives my Delta miles for purchases.
So to review, groceries minus club savings, minus $10, plus Delta miles plus United miles.
It ALMOST pays to go to town! By the way, I still have 3 more $10 off coupons. I just may need to buy a deep freeze and start stocking up.