Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I wonder was Originally Posted on February 23, 2006 by lavarock
I write these blogs as the mood strikes me. Some are gems and some are duds. I used to be a disk jockey (well, actually I was an Air Personality). The difference was that rather than just play music, I spun tales to hold the show together. So in reality, I also communicated by radio.
I know people read these blogs because I have gotten customers from here. I also see the counter go up and get the occassional comment.
Some people believe every word, some think it is all bull. Both are right, although many of these posts are truthful with just a fact or impression changed a bit for dramatic effect.
One thought keeps coming to me as I write these. I wonder if I should categorize them as something other than “business”. I wonder if I would reach a larger audience if I wasn’t bumping up against the prescription ads and money-making schemes? I dunno; perhaps I should try. Granted, my last post had a bit of an ad at the bottom. Sometimes I put an ad in there, but I also try to put something of substance out there. It is a balancing act. A balancing act of the checkbook, but a balancing act none-the-less!
Aloha for now and for now a good night!